Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coding along with Code

Hi guys, I'm working with Syn and Rockstar to save face on our failed Compo game by building it up into a failed respectable normal game. I'm in the process of "porting" the VC code that I wrote over to LuaVerge.
I'm really liking Lua, and transcribing the code that I already wrote has been a great way to learn the syntax and the ins and out of a new language.
Overkill, you've been a tremendous help to me. I left your Learn Lua page open in Chrome for like a week. And I've been using your vx library almost exclusively, it does a great job of OOing all the v3 stuff. (I even added BlitEntityFrame to the Image object!) Kildorf and Overkill, please mash together your Lua libraries! I believe the term for a library like that is "the unstoppable juggernaut of the VERGE universe."

Keep watching this blog for further updates.

Chris "Code" Odlaug