Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Game Development class project

Soooo... haven't been working on any VERGE projects. But I thought I would share with you my little game engine demo project that I made for my first game development CS 321 assignment. It's really, really short. These screenshots are basically the whole thing. Plus a menu. Plus a parallax background. It made be appreciate what VERGE already does for you with its map and tiling system.

You'll need python:
and pygame:

And here's the game itself:

Our next project, which I'm working on right now uses Blender. And our third one uses an interactive fiction engine called Inform 7, which I'm pretty excited about.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coding along with Code

Hi guys, I'm working with Syn and Rockstar to save face on our failed Compo game by building it up into a failed respectable normal game. I'm in the process of "porting" the VC code that I wrote over to LuaVerge.
I'm really liking Lua, and transcribing the code that I already wrote has been a great way to learn the syntax and the ins and out of a new language.
Overkill, you've been a tremendous help to me. I left your Learn Lua page open in Chrome for like a week. And I've been using your vx library almost exclusively, it does a great job of OOing all the v3 stuff. (I even added BlitEntityFrame to the Image object!) Kildorf and Overkill, please mash together your Lua libraries! I believe the term for a library like that is "the unstoppable juggernaut of the VERGE universe."

Keep watching this blog for further updates.

Chris "Code" Odlaug